Welcome to our first podcast episode of…
“Rise Above The Numbers”
Every week, FP&HEY co-founders Drew and Yarty dive deep into world of FP&A and uncover the key insights and skills to help you grow your careers. All with a touch of humor.
These are the things we wish we knew earlier in our careers. (Don’t make our mistakes.)
Now we’re here to share them with you.
Topics include:
How to budget and forecast the smart way
Excel skills to crush through your workflows
FP&A skills such as VMaP, QTD sales reporting, and waterfall variance analysis
And much, much more
If you have any topics or questions for future episodes we can cover, feel free to reach out to us at “info [at] fpandhey.com”.
And if you need immediate help with your FP&A career, be sure to check out our website at fpandhey.com. We have over +40 articles plus additional resources to crush your FP&A career.
Let’s crush FP&A together. 👊
Drew & Yarty
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